subject: re: souvenirs from Laos
sent: saturday, december 16, 2001 3:31 AM

sorry to take such a long time to answer you; I know that being busy, even very busy, is not an excuse, but oddly enough, replying quickly to a mail seems to be one of the difficult things
in life for me; ah, the mysteries of life! as the Chinese say, little easy things can become a problem if you don't do them and
big difficult things can become easy just as you do them!

and in principle, there's actually no difference between 'little' and 'big' things; we should just do the things we have to do in life because they need to be done for the sake of the universe and not for our own sake, because our hearts are telling us to do so, as it is in our hearts, our most sacred inner space, that we can best understand what life wants from us. this is the real and sacred meaning of duty, some necessity of things which is above us as individuals but that we have to accomplish. this is like being one with the Tao, or the Buddha, or the Christ...

we should just make sure that we let life flow through us as freely as possible and that we do with love everything that life wants us to do and not bother that much about personal problems like getting old, or fat, or unhealthy; this is called purity and is the best remedy against getting old, fat or unhealthy. but to accomplish this, as you can see, we should fight against our laziness; laziness is our worst enemy on our spiritual path, and so, I still have a lot of work to do on myself! as Jesus once told a paralyzed man: 'raise and walk, my son'. the laziness of our soul is paralyzing us...
